Gender is the state of being male or female in terms of socio-cultural differences. Genders are of four types in English which are:
The word that denotes male living being is called masculine gender.
Example: Actor, Boy, Bull, Brother, Dog, Hero, Johney, Lion, Man, Nephew, Son, etc.
The word that denotes female living being is called masculine gender.
Example: Actress, Bitch, Cow, Girl, Daughter, Heroine, Lioness, Niece, Rani, Sister, Women, etc.
The word that denotes either a male or a female living being is called masculine gender.
Example: Baby, Doctor, Driver, Singer, Students, Teacher, etc.
The word that denotes non-living objects are called neutral gender.
Example: Army, Bag, Ball, Bench, Book, Chair, Garden, Honesty, etc.